December 2024 Commencement:

Friday, December 13 at 2:00 p.m. in the Chicoine Center

Credit Hour Requirements (本科)

有关学分要求的更多信息,请咨询内布拉斯加州州立大学系统, 董事会政策4140.

  • Students must earn a minimum of 120 semester credit hours, of which 40 credit hours must be in 300 or 400 (junior or senior) level courses, to meet the requirements for all baccalaureate degrees.
  • 学生必须使用他们入学那年的目录或随后的目录. 学生在预计完成学业的学期结束前五年以上发布的目录规定下,不得毕业, 除非他们已经服过兵役,或者在学习项目开始后的每个日历年都在查德隆学院获得了大学学分.
  • For the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, students must complete either (1) a comprehensive major of 48 to 57 credits, or (2) a subject major of 30 to 36 credits and a minor of 18 to 21 credits.
  • 不转学副学士学位的学生至少有30个小时的通识课程, must complete all Essential Studies courses as listed in the catalog. 传输指南 注明其他院校的课程,以符合个别基本研究课程的要求. Depending on the program of study, Essential Studies requirements may vary. 请咨询您的 学术顾问 or your degree audit in your MyCSC.
  • 不超过66个学分可以转换或申请文学学士学位, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Science in Education degree from accredited 2-year institutions. Students with an Associate of Science (AS), 攻读应用科学学士学位的应用科学副学士(AAS)或职业科学副学士(AOS)学位;
    • May transfer 66 credit hours to CSC
    • Must earn 40 upper division credit hours
    • 必须在学生学习成果2到11的每个基本研究中达到最低学分要求吗. 建议学生选择高年级课程,以帮助达到必要的40个高年级学分要求.
  • Unlimited credit hours may be transferred from accredited four-year institutions, 虽然个别项目可能有限制,学生必须满足其他毕业要求.
  • 在查德隆州立学院至少修满30个学期的学分.
  • 最后30个学期的学分中有24个必须来自查德隆州立大学.
  • 学术荣誉毕业要求在毕业的第一个为期8周的学期结束前完成至少45个小时的学业.
    • Those attaining high grade point averages will be cited as follows:
    • 3.90 - 4.00 Summa Cum Laude
    • 3.75 - 3.89 Magna Cum Laude
    • 3.60 - 3.74优等生
    • 研究生和获得第二学士学位的学生没有资格获得荣誉认可
Second Baccalaureate Degree

第二学士学位可以通过在第一学位之后完成至少30个学分来获得, fifteen of which must be at the 300-400 level, 并满足查德隆州立学院第二学位的现行要求. 这些要求包括综合专业的要求,或者主修和辅修科目的要求. Essential Studies courses do not need to be repeated. A student may not earn more than one degree simultaneously at Chadron State College. Students pursuing a second baccalaureate degree are not eligible for academic honors.

Graduation Checklist
  • Register for classes as early as possible to avoid classes filling up, and disrupting your track for graduation.
  • 检查你的学位审核,以确保你已经满足了所有的要求-联系START办公室或你的学术顾问寻求帮助.
  • 如果课程轮转与你的毕业计划脱节,与你的学术顾问解决问题.
  • 在截止日期前完成毕业申请(可在MyCSC的待办事项列表中找到):
    • Spring Commencement (May) – October 15
    • Winter Commencement (December) – March 15
    • Summer Commencement (No formal ceremony) – February 15
  • Submit your graduation application.
  • Settle your student account - you need to have a $0 balance.
  • Complete Exit Loan Counseling if you obtained student loans while attending CSC.
  • Order your academic regalia (caps, gowns, tassels etc.).
  • 为面试做准备-请到就业服务办公室(图书馆学习公共资源)寻求帮助:
    • Resume building - create your template
    • 面试技巧 & 模拟面试
    • 找工作
  • 参加秋季和春季的招聘会和/或教育专业教师面试日(http://www)
    • 带上你的简历
    • Dress for interviews
  • Seek out faculty/advisor for job references.
  • 完成评估调查-邀请将发送到您的电子邮件,所以注意他们! We need your feedback!
  • 请参加毕业典礼的客人尽早预订酒店,因为房间很快就会被订满!
  • Attend graduation practice:
    • May Graduation – day before ceremony
    • December Graduation – same day as ceremony
  • Celebrate your success, and walk across the stage!
Application/Commencement 信息 (Graduate & 本科)
  • Although all degree requirements may be completed, graduation is not automatic.  每个被授予学位的候选人都必须提交他们打算毕业的学期的毕业申请. 

  • As you near the completion of your degree program, a graduation application will be placed on your To-Do list within your MyCSC account. Please fill it out and submit to the 记录 Office by the deadline.  We do our best to identify students close to graduating, 然而, if the graduation application does not appear in your MyCSC To-Do list, it is your responsibility to contact the 记录 Office at cscrecords@csc.Edu请求一个.
  • 研究生候选人可能需要在档案办公室存档一份学习计划
  • Deadlines for applying are:
    • Spring Commencement (May) - October 15
    • Winter Commencement (December) - March 15
    • Summer Commencement (No formal ceremony) - February 15
  • 如果学生的学习计划使他们有资格攻读两个不同学位的专业(e.g. 工商管理文学士及牧场管理理学士), 学生必须选择要授予的学位(文学学士或理学学士). All majors will be recorded on the transcript.
  • 申请人必须在申请毕业之前完成或注册学位所需的所有课程. 学位要求的任何未完成的课程或上学期的课程必须在开始前完成并评分.
  • 学位考生必须参加正式的毕业典礼,除非事先通知档案处. 学位考生在毕业典礼上必须佩戴学位帽和学位服. 所有毕业典礼礼服将在毕业前几个月提供订购.

As part of the graduation process, 所有学生都需要对一些学术课程和基本研究进行毕业评估. 这些评估的日期和时间将安排在候选人在夏德隆州立学院的最后一年. You must contact your department to see what, if any, assessment is required.

Specific Teacher Candidate Requirements
  • 寻求教育学学士学位的教师候选人必须完成二级证书的一个领域或学科背书或初级证书的集中领域, 除了专业年的要求,还包括教师实习. Contact the CSC Education Department for more information.
  • A 2.75 grade point average, from all institutions attended, must be attained for the Bachelor of Science in Education programs.

Order academic regalia (caps, gowns, hoods, tassels) and announcements

  • Order for bachelor’s or master’s degrees
  • Order caps, gowns, hoods and tassels as a group or individually
  • Order announcements, envelopes, return address labels, etc.
  • 快速的交货
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